Thanks, Vin. Here is what I find.
1. Paren-highlighting does not work in the various flavors of 21.5.34 .
2. Paren-highlighting works fine in 21.5.29.
Exactly where should I get the build instructions for native X86 binary ? Can these build instructions be ported to a more recent VS version ?
BTW, I just learned that "Visual Studio Community 2013" is a full-featured visual studio that is made available FREE by Microsoft starting Nov 2014.
Visual Studio Community 2013
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Can the native binary build process be ported to VS Community 2013 ? I am willing to help, if I can be of any help. For example, if you can give me a set of reasonable build instructions, I can try to run through it and report any problems back to you to clean up the process.
From: Vin Shelton <***>
To: Biswajit Khandai <***>
Cc: XEmacs developers <xemacs-***>
Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2015 11:27 AM
Subject: Re: Innosetup binaries for 21.5.32 and later
Biswajit -
work for you?
The instructions (based on the non-free Visual Studio 6 - what're you
staring at? It was released in 1998!) work for me. If someone wants
to update the instructions, patches will be reviewed and approved. :-)
Vin had made an experimental 21.5.34 innosetup build for me, back in 2014.
I have been using it since. I have not seen any issues yet, other than that
paren-highlighting does not seem to work.
Would it be possible to fix this, and release an official 21.5.34 beta
innosetup build ?
There was one more request from me at the time - to dust off the build
instructions for a native X86 build using free tools (including free
versions of Microsoft tools), so that people can download and build binaries
easily. May I raise the same request again ?
Thanks a lot.
Sent: Thursday, November 6, 2014 11:44 AM
Subject: Re: Innosetup binaries for 21.5.32 and later
Dear XEmacs Developers,
I recently got a large roundtuit dropped in my lap (my startup company
imploded), so I've spent a few days working on XEmacs native Windows
setup kits.
I was assuming that the stable channel native windows binary will be built
by "someone".... If that assumption is right, then the same "someone" could
build the beta channel native windows binary. It may not be you,
Your assumption is correct, but I am the only someone who builds these
kits. I will try to make a setup kit for every release, but it is
difficult for me to know how much time I will have for making setup
kits in between releases.
However, if that assumption is wrong, I would like you to know that a heck
of a lot of people use xemacs on Windows - maybe you underestimate the
number of such people.
Dear Biswajit - thank you for your kind words. They certainly made me
feel like my efforts in this area have been well worthwhile.
I have re-made setup kits for 21.4.22, 21.5.34 and 21.4 latest and
21.5 latest. I will upload them this afternoon to
I will be sending a small patch to XEmacs-patches to work around a
couple of difficulties building without TLS on native Windows. I have
not attempted to build with TLS as of yet.
- Vin